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What is "waketake"

What is "Wakatake"?

We provide Japanese language support in Kanazawa for children with foreign roots, including learning support for homework and Japanese language instruction, with the main goal of creating a place for the children to belong.

It’s run by NPO YOU-I, which has been commissioned by Kanazawa City. Volunteers explain the homework brought by participating children one-on-one, deepening bonds by solving the problems together. In addition, for children who have no prior experience of studying Japanese, we prepare teaching materials and help them learn Japanese in their native language through an interpreter.



Sessions are held during the morning on the first and fourth Saturdays of each month (dates may change depending on events at the children's schools or local areas).


Sessions are held in the Morinosato and Okuwa areas. Currently, children from Indonesia, China, and some other countries are participating.

At Wakatake, children are supported by NPO YOU-I multilingual foreign resident & Japanese staff, working adults and student volunteers. More than 10 members participate each time, so that we can provide one-on-one support and help the children learn through interaction. A distinctive feature of Wakatake is that for children who do not understand Japanese, there are staff members who can teach them in their own language. Please feel free to join in, even if you do not understand Japanese.

Please contact us if any of the following apply to you!

Your child has just come to Japan and doesn't understand Japanese and can't keep up with school studies

Your child is finding it difficult to get used to Japanese school

Your child wants to study Japanese more

Your child can't understand what their teacher is saying in Japanese during class

Any other concerns


Let's have fun learning together. After study time, there is also play time!



Ishikawa PrefectureKanazawa


Thanks for your cooperation

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